Saturday, September 17, 2011

Education using computer games

Nowadays, playing computer games is a very common form of entertainment for wide range of people (Nippold, Duthie, & Larson, 2005). No matter they are children, teenagers, adults or elderly, computer games are not something new to them. Some very simple computer games are already embedded as utility programs in the Microsoft Windows. Those are some housewives’ favour. Obviously, computer games have involved in most people’s daily lives. This essay is going to discuss about the nature and the impact of computer games in the education aspect.

Computer games are widely used as a tool in education in different categories. They can be used in school for teaching purpose, in health and physical education or even in personal development. Those computer games for educational purpose are called educational computer games, which is not only about entertainment but also includes education (Prensky, 2001). Therefore, educational computer games are quite different from traditional computer games which are mainly for entertainment.

One of the most common areas for applying educational computer games is in school. Due to the popularity of personal computers and Internet services, educational computer games are introduced into schools. Students can learn different subjects through playing some computer games. Students can easily reach the games through Internet or the CD-ROM from the publisher. This form of education is much attractive to the students and it can have positive impact on student’s educational effectiveness and motivation (Papastergiou, 2008). Many of the primary school and high school textbooks are accompanied with CD-ROMs which contain some interactive computer games to help students to understand the lessons better. According to a research by Papastergiou (2008), a digital game-based learning mode was applied to a high school computer science education. The results show that the specially designed educational computer games can help the students to learn better. Computer game based learning is much interesting to students. They are much more willing to learn and much easier to remember. In this area, computer games are not only about entertainment, they are also education and beneficial to the students.

Apart from the application of computer games in schools, it is also introduced to the public for health and physical education. Usually, the computer games only require players to respond to the games by pressing buttons. It may cause may health problems, likes obesity. Fiorentino-Holland and Gibbone (2005) introduce Virtual Gym to the public, which can simulate real situation. Players have to respond by performing physical actions rather than only pressing some buttons. Some people, especially children, are more willing to do exercise through computer games. It is more funny and attractive. This kind of games can really help the over-weight children to lose the weight and also help students to understand health-related fitness concept (Papastergiou, 2009). This kind of application requires the combination of computer games with a set of physical exercise. It is not only about excitement but also about how to keep the player healthy.

Education is not only about academic, but also about personal development. Besides academic learning, health and physical education, computer games can also help the personal development of students. A program was established in Scotland which aimed to develop children as successful learners through computer game design (Robertson & Howells, 2007). A class of ten years old children designed a computer game in eight weeks. The result of the program shows that the children become more enthusiastic and motivated for learning (Robertson & Howells, 2007). They also learn to determine to reach high standards of achievement, learn as independent and group learners and learn to link and apply learning in new situations (Robertson & Howells, 2007). It is difficult to learn these things in school through traditional teaching, but students can learn all these things deep in mind through designing computer games.

In the past, playing computer games was only a very popular free-time activity for people (Nippold, Buthie, & Larson, 2005). However, computer games are not only for entertainment now, it can be educational. Computer games can be a helpful tool in education. They provide interactive learning platforms to facilitate people’s learning. They can also help health and physical education and also help personal development. Computer games can combine with many other things for different purpose. It is a very useful tool. In the future, computer games may have much broader applications to benefit us.

  1. Nippold, M., Duthie, J., & Larson, J. (2005). Literacy as a leisure activity: Free-time preferences of older children and young adolescents. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools, 36(2), 93–102.
  2. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital game-based learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  3. Papastergiou, M (2008). Digital Game-Based Learning in high school Computer Science education: Impact on educational effectiveness and student motivation. Computers & Education, 52, 1-12.
  4. Fiorentino-Holland, L., & Gibbone, A. (2005). Using the Virtual Gym for practice and drills. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, 16(5), 14–16.
  5. Papastergiou, M. (2009). Exploring the potential of computer and video games for health and physical education: A literature review. Computer & Education, 53, 603-622.
  6. Robertson, J., & Howells, C. (2007). Computer game design: Opportunities for successful learning. Computer & Education, 50, 559-578.

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