Thursday, July 21, 2011

Using optimal method or approximation method?


How do we know when to apply an optimal method and when to use an approximation method instead?


Generally we want to solve a problem fast. Thus, if there is a fast optimal method (for a more precise notion of “fast”, please refer to Homework 5), then we should just use it. Now, a possibly difficult situation arises when we do not have a fast optimal method. For example, the optimal method requires exponential running time. In such a situation, we might need to forgo optimality but use a fast method that will give us an answer, possibly not optimal, but within a short period of time. For example, the “touring” (i.e., gossiping) problem is usually solved by a sub-optimal but fast method.

1 comment:

  1. We had a subject in our syllabus of MCA second year or so .That subject was named Operational research which need to find best methods.It was an interesting subject for me.
