Sunday, July 17, 2011

Compution using recursive method


The number n! is defined as n × ( n – 1 ) × ( n – 2 ) × … × 2 × 1 .

(a) Can you write up a recursive method to calculate the value of n! ?

(b) You are given a function called print( n ) which shows the value of n on the screen. Using your idea in (a) above, can you write up a recursive method to print numbers from n to 0 on the screen?


(a) The number n! is defined as n × ( n – 1 ) × ( n – 2 ) × … × 2 × 1 .
We can express its computation as a recursive method below. Assume n > 1 .

  1. Is n = 1?
  2. If yes, then answer is: 1
  3. If no, then answer is: n x Calculate_Factorial(n-1)

(b) Using an idea similar to the above, we can solve the “printing” problem as follows. Assume n>0 .

  1. print(n)
  2. Is n = 0?
  3. If yes, then we are done
  4. If no, then do: Show_n_downto_0(n-1)

We observe that . Assume n is a power of 2.

Can you write up a recursive method to calculate the value?


We can express this computation as a recursive method below.

Calculate_Power(a, n)
  1. Is n = 1?
  2. If yes, then answer is: a
  3. If no, then:
  4.        b = Calculate_Power(a, n/2)
  5.        answer is then: b x b

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